For custom artwork inquiries and pricing, please fill out the form below. Axl Mars’s availability for custom artwork is extremely limited, so be sure to include as many descriptive details as possible when sending your request.
Thank you for your interest in the work of Axl Mars Art! If you have a specific photo you want Axl Mars to reference, please email it to Be sure to include the subject and size you are interested in. Axl Mars’s availability for custom artwork is limited, so include as many descriptive details as possible when sending your request. Axl Mars creates each custom piece by hand using a combination of brush strokes and other techniques. Each custom work of art is hand signed by Axl Mars and comes with a certificate of authenticity for proof of value. All work is subject to the artist’s creative discretion.
Listed artwork prices are non-negotiable. A downpayment is required at commission signing. All custom paintings start at minimum of 200€. Pricing will vary based on size, materials, finishes, and framing. Please fill out the “custom art request” form for a precise quote.
Yes. I trust my clients because I build a personal relationship with them, yet, to initiate the creation process, I kindly ask for a partial prepayment (50% advance) to ensure serious collaboration. It’s important to understand that each portrait takes a certain amount of time to create, and in the event of cancellation, it would take the place of others, thus delaying the completion of other portraits. Furthermore, it’s still my copyrighted work, which requires significant energy input, time, and a great deal of dedication from me. I understand that it’s difficult to send money in advance without knowing whether you will actually like the portrait, but after 20 years of drawing and with over 300 completed paintings, I have never had an unsatisfied customer. I am committed to your satisfaction and guarantee my positive attitude towards your comments, desired revisions, or changes.
Shipping costs are not included in the price of the artwork. Upon completion of your painting, white-glove crated shipping can be arranged. Original paintings are shipped in custom made package ensure the utmost care. International shipping is available. Pricing will vary based on the painting size and shipping destination. For special shipping requests, please email and we will be more than happy to help. Pickup is available in Koper, Slovenia, EU only.
Based on Article 43.c of the Slovenian Consumer Protection Act (ZvPOT), the buyer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract for portraits or drawings of individuals because they constitute goods made to the exact specifications of the buyer and tailored to their personal needs (a unique product).
Every customer is informed prior to placing an order and agrees to the order, agreeing to the method and style of illustration they have previously selected. The creation of the illustration itself takes between 15 to 30 hours or more of active work, therefore refunds are not possible. Minor revisions may be negotiated, but refunds are NOT possible. The order binds the customer to the agreed payment, and I commit to making maximum efforts for your final satisfaction.