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Axl Mars creates each custom piece by hand using a combination of brush strokes and other techniques. Each custom work of art is hand signed by Axl Mars and comes with a certificate of authenticity for proof of value.

Thank you for your interest in the work of Axl Mars Art! If you have a specific photo you want Axl Mars to reference, please email it to Be sure to include the subject and size you are interested in. Axl Mars’s availability for custom artwork is limited, so include as many descriptive details as possible when sending your request. Axl Mars creates each custom piece by hand using a combination of brush strokes and other techniques. Each custom work of art is hand signed by Axl Mars and comes with a certificate of authenticity for proof of value. All work is subject to the artist’s creative discretion.

Listed artwork prices are non-negotiable. A 50% downpayment is required at commission signing. the remaining balance and shipping costs are due prior to shipment.  All custom paintings start at 1,000€. Pricing will vary based on size, materials, finishes, and framing. Please fill out the “custom art request” form for a precise quote.

Stroški pošiljanja niso vključeni v ceno umetniškega dela. Po končanem barvanju lahko poskrbimo za pošiljanje belih rokavic. Originalne slike se pošiljajo v zaščitenih škatlah po meri, opremljenih tako, da zagotavljajo, da se z umetninami ravna z največjo skrbnostjo. Na voljo je mednarodno pošiljanje. Cene se razlikujejo glede na velikost slike in destinacijo pošiljanja. Za posebne zahteve glede pošiljanja pišite na in z veseljem vam bomo pomagali. Prevzem je na voljo samo v Koper, Slovenia, EU.

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